Information about the Congress

Information about the Congress

Name of Congress: The 3rd International City, Environment, and Health Congress and the 1st Health and Climate Change Congress

Theme of Congress: Climate Change and a Healthy Future

Date of Congress: April 16-20, 2021

Place of Congress: Virtual Platform

Language of Congress: Turkish & English

The platform of Congress: Congress will be held on a platform called which enables virtual meetings.

How Congress will be Held: Acaport offers an environment where experts from various fields, especially academics, can share their knowledge and skills with other people by using the opportunities created by digital technology.

Participants who register to Congress will be sent their login passwords and will be able to participate in the online congress platform. With this password, all presentations can be followed, presentations can be made, interactive communication can be provided in the form of questions and answers, and presentations can be downloaded during the congress.

Congress Outputs:

  • Congress Abstracts Book (with Electronic-ISBN)
  • Congress Full Text Book (with Electronic-ISBN)
  • Congress virtual recordings (USB-encrypted link usage)


  • Congress Participation Certificate for Congress Participants
  • Congress Participation Certificate for those who send papers and make presentations
  • Congress Participation Certificate and Certificate of Appreciation for invited speakers

Post-Congress Publications and Publication of Proceedings:

  • The book of proceedings and full texts to be prepared after the congress will be published electronically with ISBN code on July 15, 2021, and will be accessible to the participants through the website.
  • Among the papers presented at the congress, the full texts of the participants who desire will be able to be published as peer-reviewed academic journals named City Health Journaland Climate and Health Journal, which started to be published. Participants who want their articles to be published in the journal can upload their articles adapted to the publication and spelling rules of the journals directly to the journal’s website. For the articles that are subject to the referee process, the referee evaluation process will not be applied in congress.

        Relevant Journal Websites